Alice Griffiths
My First Sticker By Numbers Book
Number is a mathematical concept that is used to counting and measuring. Numbers are abstract. Numbers give information about the amount of something. According to Suparmo said that A number is a unit in a mathematical system that can be operationalized mathematically. Number is a very important mathematical concept to be mastered by children because it becomes the basis for mastering concepts further mathematics at the next level of formal education. Numbers and numbers are two different things. Numbers represent the number of a object. Symbols or symbols used to represent a number referred to as a number symbol or number. Number is a written symbol as a member of a system of counting and measurement.
The standard level of achievement of the developmental achievement of children aged 5-6 years who related to mathematical ability (counting) or recognizing a number. Children's ability to recognize numbers requires concepts think about objects, objects, or events. Children begin to recognize symbols (words, numbers, gestures, or pictures) to represent objects that exist in their environment. Because the child's way of thinking is still dependent
on a concrete object and depends on the present time span and where it is, they can't think abstractly yet so it requires a concrete symbol when the teacher plants something concept for early childhood. One of the media that can be used is the sticker contained in a book entitled My First Sticker By Numbers Book by Alice Griffiths. he sticker shapes are simple enough for little hands to handle, but can still make absolutely stunning images. Little ones will love completing their own pictures - from colorful flowers and bumblebees to swimming fish and adorable houses. With over 700 stickers, this book is brilliant for younger children who love stickers!
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Alice Griffiths
My First Sticker By Numbers Book