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Dr. Gusti Nur Hafifah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Mobile Applications for Listening and Reading

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This book reviews eleven kinds of mobile applications that are used for teaching and learning English receptive skills: Listening and Reading. This book comprises 11 chapters: (1) Introduction Mobile application for Listening and Reading Skills, (2) "Listen English Daily Practice" for Teaching Listening, (3) "Reading Eggs" for Teaching Reading, (4) "English Listening & Speaking (Learn English)" for Teaching Listening, (5) "Let's Read" for Teaching Reading, (6) "English Listening Skills Practice" for Teaching Listening, (7) "Starfall Learn to Read" for Teaching Reading, (8) "English Listening Step by Step" for Teaching Listening, (9) "Reading Comprehension Test-E" for Teaching Reading, (10) "E-Joy English" for Teaching Listening, and (11) "Raz-Kids (Kids A-Z)" for Teaching Reading. These applications are chosen based on their availability in the Google Play Store and can easily be downloaded from the Android system. Each chapter reviews one application based on the following aspects: the application features, the strengths and weaknesses of the app, the pedagogical benefits of the app, and instructions for using the app. Each application is reviewed and visualized based on the relevance, feedback, thinking skill, ease of use, engagement, sharing, accessibility, and cost that each application features. The relevance analysis analyzes the connection between the app's purpose and the students learning objectives. The feedback aspect reviews how far each app facilitates feedback for students' learning. To what extent does it cater to high-order thinking skills such as creating, evaluating, and analyzing competencies? The ease of use of the application means that students or teachers can easily open and operate the app independently. To what extent does it facilitate students' engagement and motivation toward learning? To what extent does it provide sharing features and record students' work? The last review also reviews the accessibility and cost of the app, whether it can be accessed via iOS or Android systems, and whether the functions are free of charge and open access.
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Dr. Gusti Nur Hafifah, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Mobile Applications for Listening and Reading