Fun English Learning: About Me And Things Around
Format Buku
Buku aktivitas ini adalah pilihan sempurna untuk anak-anak mulai usia 4 tahun yang memungkinkan mereka mengenal dan mengeksplorasi gambar dan kata yang sederhana sehingga mudah diingat. Selain itu, anak-anak akan diajak meningkatkan keterampilan motorik halus dengan membuat garis tebal, mewarnai, dan menggambar. Setiap bagian disesuaikan dengan tahap perkembangan usianya. Ada beberapa tema yang bervariasi dan cukup lengkap seperti bagian tubuh, panca indra, kebersihan dan kesehatan tubuh, keluarga, mainan favorit, makanan dan warna, hobi, hewan peliharaan, dan benda-benda di sekitar anak-anak.
This activity book is the perfect choice for children from 4 years old, allowing them to recognize and explore simple pictures and words that are easy to remember. Apart from that, children will be invited to improve their fine motor skills by making thick lines, coloring, and drawing.
Each section is adapted to the age development stage. There are several themes that are varied and quite complete, such as body parts, five senses, body cleanliness and health, family, favorite toys, foods and colors, hobbies, pets, and objects around children.
Selling Point:
1. Easy to learn material
2. There are activity games in each category
3. Adjusted to the stage of child development
4. Introducing some theme and thing around children
5. Illustration is unique and can help children to recognize all objects
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Fun English Learning: About Me And Things Around